Hidden Signs of Heart Disease

There are hidden signs of heart disease but many Nigerians are unaware.

“How could Mr Paul just slump and die of a heart disease like that? He looked so healthy and young.” We hear this statement way too often. However, there are some hidden signs of heart disease that people don’t pay attention to. Here are 5 of them.

1. Loose grip

The strength in your hand may tell you something about the state of your heart. Research suggests that if it’s hard for you to grip an object properly, the odds are higher that you have or could develop problems.

2. Sleep Apnea

When your sleep is broken up by pauses in your breathing it usually means that your brain may not be getting enough oxygen. This sends signals to your heart to work harder to keep blood flow going. Fortunately, sleep apnea is treatable.

3. Skin Colour Changes

Sudden changes in the colour of your fingers and toes could be from poor circulation of oxygen-rich blood, often due to a heart defect you were born with or narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

4. Sexual Problems

Men with erectile dysfunction may have circulation problems related to high blood pressure or narrow arteries due to cholesterol build-up and are at a greater risk for heart attack/stroke.

5. Swelling in Lower Legs

This happens when you stand or sit for a long time, and it’s also common during pregnancy. However, fluid build-up can also stem from heart failure and poor circulation in your legs. In addition, swollen legs could be from a clot that’s blocking the return of blood from your lower limbs to your heart. Call your doctor right away if the swelling comes on suddenly.

We know that all this sounds scary; like anything can lead to a heart attack. However, the goal isn’t to cause panic but to help us become more aware of the changes in our bodies. When you think about it, that’s a good thing.

Also Read: 5 super fruits that can improve your heart health


American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/en/news/2021/06/23/silent-heart-attacks-all-too-common-and-often-overlooked

Harvard Health Publishing: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/5-overlooked-symptoms-that-may-signal-heart-trouble

Web MD: https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/features/never-ignore-symptoms

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