Ever tried asking a Nigerian to volunteer for blood donation? It’s definitely one of the most awkward things ever, especially due to the ton of misconceptions about stuff like that. Blood is somewhat seen with some sort of reverence in our society so people are pretty conservative and superstitious about it. As a result, it’s easy for people to come up with a lot of stuff when you bring up blood donation, with most of them being untrue.
We believe blood donation is a noble thing to do because we’ve seen how it can help save lives. This is why it’s important to address misconceptions regarding it and we hope that when you’re done with this article, you’ll be willing to donate blood when called upon (and even voluntarily because there’s never enough).
So here are 5 things you really need to know:
1. Blood donation is completely safe
New and sterile equipment is used for each donor when s/he donates blood, so there is no likelihood of infection.
2. You can donate whole blood or its specific components
There are 4 types of components in blood in any one pint: red cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Since patients in general only need a specific component, each pint can save 3 lives.
3. Only type O negative blood can be transfused to everyone.
This type of blood is called the universal donor blood so it can be accepted by everyone with no chances of rejection. Only 6.6% of the world population has this blood type.
4. You need to be healthy to donate
There are about 6 main parameters but you should at least weigh 50kg, be between 18-60 years old, and not be infected with any communicable disease.
5. You have to wait 56 days to donate again
Donors who donate whole blood have to wait for a minimum of 8 weeks before donating blood again.
So what about the myths of blood donation?
Well, now that we’ve gotten the key information out of the way, here are the reasons why you have nothing to worry about as far as blood donation is concerned.
Myth 1: Blood donation hurts
Fact: The needle prick is the only pain one feels when donating blood and it’s barely noticeable.
Myth 2: Blood donation weakens you
Fact: This doesn’t last beyond a few hours. The weakness post donating blood can be dealt with by drinking plenty of water and eating.
Myth 3: Your blood supply will reduce
Fact: Wrong! Your blood supply consistently regenerates. In fact, you can donate blood again after two months.
Myth 4: Blood donation is time-consuming
Fact: Blood donation itself takes less than 20 minutes. Add this to the process of preparing you and it only takes 45 minutes to an hour, only.
Myth 5: Skinny people can’t donate blood
Fact: It’s not by size o. As long as you weigh above 50kgs, donating blood has nothing more to do with your weight
Myth 6: Blood donation isn’t for women
Fact: LOL! No, unless the woman is pregnant, lactating, anaemic, or suffering from some medical issue that lowers haemoglobin count, she can donate blood.
Myth 7: A blood donor is prone to infections
Fact: So long as a fresh needle is used for each blood donor, there’s nothing to worry about.
So go ahead and be someone’s hero. Donate blood; you never know if the person you’ll end up saving is a loved one or even you.
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